Family Affair 12x16.jpg
Galusha_Spring_Tangle_ on_ the_ Hirschman_ Trail.JPG
Bristlecone in the Mist 12x16.jpg
Galusha_Linda_Carmens Choice -Bramble Dream.jpg
High Altitude Romance 18x24.jpg
Galusha_You Can't Enter As They Pass Through.jpg
Harleqin on the Rocks 12x16.jpg
Galusha, Do You See Myself in You. 2016, acrylic on canvas, 36x60x1.5, $7500.JPG
Galusha_Linda_Will You Know When You Are Dead_2019_Acrylic on canvas_36x60_$8000.jpg
Rena Ascending.jpg
Captive Audience.jpg
Sticks and Stones 18x24.jpg
Caught Netting the Light - Copy.jpg
Galusha, Missed Stampede on the Gracie Trail, 2016,  acrylic on canvas,  36x60,  $7500.jpg
Uphill Tango 12x16.jpg
When Summer and Winter are the Same.jpg
Grandpa Madrone 18x24 commission.jpg
Yuba Mermaids, Amy 2016 9x12 $450.JPG
Yuba Mermaids, Amy&Lily 2016 9x12 $450 - Copy.JPG
Teris Walk in the Woods.jpg
Yuba Mermaids, Lily 2016 9x12 $450 - Copy.JPG
Galusha_Caught_ Netting_ the_ Light.jpg
Galusha_Don't Look Back...It Is All Right In Front Of You..jpg
Galusha_You Can't Enter As They Pass Through.png
Missed Stampede on the Gracie Trail  2016.jpg
Missed Stampede on the Gracie Trail.jpg
Moss Gatherer copy.jpg
Galusha, Do You See Myself in You. 2016, acrylic on canvas, 36x60x1.5, $7500.JPG
Family Affair 12x16.jpg
Galusha_Spring_Tangle_ on_ the_ Hirschman_ Trail.JPG
Bristlecone in the Mist 12x16.jpg
Galusha_Linda_Carmens Choice -Bramble Dream.jpg
High Altitude Romance 18x24.jpg
Galusha_You Can't Enter As They Pass Through.jpg
Harleqin on the Rocks 12x16.jpg
Galusha, Do You See Myself in You. 2016, acrylic on canvas, 36x60x1.5, $7500.JPG
Galusha_Linda_Will You Know When You Are Dead_2019_Acrylic on canvas_36x60_$8000.jpg
Rena Ascending.jpg
Captive Audience.jpg
Sticks and Stones 18x24.jpg
Caught Netting the Light - Copy.jpg
Galusha, Missed Stampede on the Gracie Trail, 2016,  acrylic on canvas,  36x60,  $7500.jpg
Uphill Tango 12x16.jpg
When Summer and Winter are the Same.jpg
Grandpa Madrone 18x24 commission.jpg
Yuba Mermaids, Amy 2016 9x12 $450.JPG
Yuba Mermaids, Amy&Lily 2016 9x12 $450 - Copy.JPG
Teris Walk in the Woods.jpg
Yuba Mermaids, Lily 2016 9x12 $450 - Copy.JPG
Galusha_Caught_ Netting_ the_ Light.jpg
Galusha_Don't Look Back...It Is All Right In Front Of You..jpg
Galusha_You Can't Enter As They Pass Through.png
Missed Stampede on the Gracie Trail  2016.jpg
Missed Stampede on the Gracie Trail.jpg
Moss Gatherer copy.jpg
Galusha, Do You See Myself in You. 2016, acrylic on canvas, 36x60x1.5, $7500.JPG
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